Ainsley's wonderful pre-school teacher took them on a field trip to a fire station and our neighborhood wal-mart. She had a blast looking around the fire station and even convinced the fireman that the kids should be able to get into the truck. They did a great demo about how they look and sound when they are all dressed up in their fire protection. They explained why they looked and sounded (with their oxygen on) the way they do and told the kids not to hide from them if they see them coming to help them in a fire. Those firemen did a great job and I thank them for all they do for our communities.
Then it was off to the neighborhood wal-mart to talk about nutrition and learn about different parts of the store. They gave the kids warm, fresh tortillas. They got to walk around the store and even go into the back where the freezers and refridgerators were. They had a great time.
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