Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday, Susan

For my birthday I wanted to go to this cute pioneer park in SLC. It was a little cold and windy, but not crowded at all.
We had fun riding the "train" around in the village and learning about our pioneer heritage. The kids had the most fun at the petting zoo area and riding on the ponies. They have done a lot of cute things there and have added some new areas for children to play in.
We ate lunch up at the old Huntsman Hotel and witnessed a bank robbery (which by the way was so badly done that Blake and I thought it was just a dress rehearsal. Like the first dress rehearsal.) Anyhoo, all in all it was a really fun day.
Blake even treated me to Mexican food. After we got home, a few family members came over for pie and ice cream. Pretty low key, epecially compared to last year's big surprise bash. I had a really fun day and am now officially in my thirties. Yeah!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My little graduate

Graduation season is here, and our house is not immune to the frenzy of the end of the school year. Ainsley graduated from Miss Cindi's and is ready to move on with her life. She had such a great time learning there and she loved her classmates and Miss Cindi so much.
Her program was fun to watch and she was singing louder than all the other kids, I think. She has no stage fright and loves to have the spotlight on her.
Her favorite part, however, was the fact that her best boy friend, Dean, was there to watch it. I babysit him one day a week and this happened to be the day. She was glad Grandma, Mommy and Ty were there, but I know her performance was dedicated to Dean. Congradulations, Ains!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ogden Half Marathon

Tyler, Laurie, Susan, Ainsley and Rita after the race.

This is the third time I have run this course, and I still loved it. My cousin, Laurie, ran the half as well. She came up with her family from South Jordan and spent the night. We had a fun night and got to bed a lot later than we wanted. We also didn't sleep as soundly a we had hoped to. 4:00 a.m. came pretty early and we were off to catch the bus in Ogden to the starting line in Eden. My running partner and friend, Rita, drove and we got to the buses with no problem. We waited at the starting line for about an hour and finally the gun sounded. It was a really pretty day from the start. The weather was perfect and the aid stations along the way were plentiful (although they didn't have any vaseline...yikes!) I ran with Rita and her husband, Brent. We did really well, considering the training (or lack of). I finished a little over 2:08. Not my PR, but I'll try to break that next time. I just wanted to thank my sweet husband for bringing the kids to see me finish. Also, my ma and pa came to support me. Thanks for making it a great day.
After the race, the kids rode a rigshaw to the parking lot. They had a really fun time and the guy on the bike was so cute to them.

Blake and Jefferson took the kids home on the frontrunner while Laurie and I took the car home, since we couldn't all fit. They had a really good day and we were sad they had to go home.

Monday, May 12, 2008

9 long years

Today is our 9th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it has been so long, but it has gone by so fast. Here are some points of interest of our marriage:

1999 May 12: We were sealed in the Bountiful Temple and honeymooned in Orlando

2000 Jan: Susan had major surgery; Summer: Blake got to see the beautiful state of Oklahoma for the first time.

2001 Feb: we adopted our naughty dog Dolly; May: Blake graduated from Weber State with his Bachelors in Arts; June: Blake got his first "grown-up" job; September: Susan left Layton Hills Mall and went to the U (both for school and work). I know, I don't know what I was thinking!

2002 Feb: We found out we were pregnant at last!; Oct: Our sweet baby girl was born

2003 Summer: Susan and Ainsley went on a long road trip with her parents and brother to Indiana - swore she would never do that again.

2004 May: Found out we were pregnant on our 5th anniversary while visiting Susan's sister in Colorado.

2005 January: Our adorable baby boy was born.; Summer: Susan went on another incredibly long road trip to West Virginia via Indiana with Susan's parents, both kids, and two nieces (really, really vowing to never do that again) August: Blake completes his MBA at the U of U!!!

2006 May: We sell the mobile home (NEVER, NEVER buy a mobile home.....I don't care what anyone tells you!!!!) July 24: Susan completes a marathon; August: We buy our first home in a GREAT nieghborhood, and even more important, a WONDERFUL ward.

2007 We are house poor and scraping by. Susan attempts to work part time, but hates it. We have some great times with friends bbqing and such throughout the summer.

2008 March: Blake gets a new job and we are estatic. We celebrate by going to Disneyland.
Well, that's it. I just want to say what a great husband I have. He puts up with my moods and is always a support to me. I take him for granted way too much and I want everyone to know that I love him. I am so lucky to have him. Love you hon, happy anniversary!!!