Friday, February 29, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

As a reward for learning to use the potty, Grandma Harding to him to the zoo. Amanda and Ella, and Ainsley and I got to tag along. It was a beautiful day, I think in the mid 50's (which really is nice compared to what we have had all winter). The animals were all out and active and the kids, especially animal lover Ty, had a blast.

The first thing we did was ride on the zoo train. Ty was so excited to get on that train. He got to sit by his little cousin Ella, which he has made into quite an animal lover herself.

We had fun walking around looking at all the animals. Here the kids are looking at the zebras, a Tyler favorite.

This lepeord was pacing back and forth in front of the window right by the kids. He would even snarl at them when he turned around. The kids would squeal every time he would come by. It was hilarious. I think the top video shows a little of it, but I caught it at the end, so it wasn't a enthusiastic as it was when they first got there.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

We had a Sharmea shower for CarrieAnn last night. She's getting married on March 1st. Sharmea was my old Sorority at Weber and whenever someone got engaged, we would throw them a honeymoon shower. We haven't gotten together in a loooong time and it was really fun seeing some girls that I haven't seen in years. Pictured are: Stacy Pawloski, Amber Goff, me (Susan Harding), CarrieAnn McBeth, Jodi Davis, Amber Winward and Amanda Neilsen. We need to get together a lot more often, chicas! Gamma Phi!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Woo Hoo!!!!!

Okay, I am so excited! Ty pooped in the potty for the first time! I am way more excited than he is about this. I was actually giddy...called my parents, Blake's parents, my best friend in Oklahoma. They all seemed pretty happy about it, but I'm pretty sure that they all thought i was a little TOO over the top about it. Am I really out of the diaper stage? I hope so. After 5+ years of it, I am ready for a break. Y'all are lucky I didn't take a picture of it. Believe me, I was tempted. It is so fun having the kids grow up. I love the baby thing, but I really don't miss stages once they pass. I love it when Ainsley surprises me with a new word she knows how to read or when Ty knows what some obscure animal is. I love watching them grow into new emotions and new way of expressing them. So, yeah for going potty, Ty!!!!!!